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The primary structure of rat tyrosine aminotransferase (L-tyrosine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase; EC, a liver-specific enzyme involved in gluconeogenesis, has been deduced from the nucleotide sequence of a cloned full-length cDNA. The mRNA is 2362 nucleotides long (excluding the poly(A) tail) and codes for a polypeptide of 454 amino acids with a molecular weight of 50634. Unambiguous identification was obtained by comparison of this sequence with the amino acid sequences of several peptides obtained from the purified enzyme.  相似文献   
Endometrial cells in suspension were stained with propidium iodide and a monoclonal antibody against a cytokeratin intermediate filament protein specific for glandular and columnar cells (RGE 53). In this way columnar epithelial cells of the normal endometrium and of adenocarcinomas can be distinguished and separated by flow cytometry from non-epithelial cells (fibroblasts and inflammatory cells) and squamous epithelial cells, all of which are negative for RGE 53. This makes it possible to analyse and also sort pure fractions of this particular tissue type for further studies. The use of propidium iodide allows simultaneous DNA flow cytometry of these columnar epithelial cells. Therefore, the use of antibodies to cytokeratin in combination with propidium iodide can be of help in analyzing and sorting pure fractions of both normal and malignant cells. This allows a more refined examination of complex cell mixtures using flow cytometry.  相似文献   
Bar-press response reinforced by the contact with estrous female were investigated in male rats in two experimental situations, when the visual communication with female was prevented or when it was permitted. After the instrumental responses directly preceded by ejaculations, depending on the increasing duration of response latency, three categories of male behavior were observed: avoiding of the contact with female, precopulatory behavior, or copulatory behavior. The enabling the visual communication with a female caused the significant increase of occurrence of copulatory behavior and significant decrease of contact-avoiding behavior, whereas the precopulatory behavior showed unsignificant increase. It is suggested that when prevented to see the female male rats can perform the instrumental response even when the sexual arousal is to low for precopulatory behavior. Such unrewarded responses lead to the appearance of frustration. On the contrary, when the female is visible the instrumental response is delayed up to the moment when the visual cues coming from female can evoke at least precopulatory behavior.  相似文献   
Auf einer Fläche von ca. 40 × 60 m eines Regenwaldes bei Manaus/Amazonas wurden über 30 Admetus pumilio untersucht, sowie Temperatur, Feuchte und Helligkeit im Biotop registriert. Man findet immer nur ein Tier in einer Höhle am Fuß großer Bäume; nahezu jedes derartige Versteck ist besetzt. Der Aktivitätsverlauf zeigt im Freiland 3 Aktivitätsschübe: der abendliche dient der Nahrungsaufnahme, der nachmitternächtliche dem Verlassen des engeren Reviers zu Partnersuche oder zum Höhlenwechsel, der morgendliche zur Rückkehr ins Versteck. Der Aktivitätsbeginn gegen 16 Uhr ist endogen, das Aktivitätsende gegen 6.30 Uhr weitgehend exogen bestimmt. Der Rückzug in die Höhle am Morgen erfolgt bei 10fach niedrigerer Helligkeit als der Auszug aus dieser am Abend. Adulte Geißelspinnen behalten über mehrere Wochen die gleiche Höhle bei; beobachtet wurde bis zu 65 Tagen. Innerhalb eines untersuchten Umkreises von 7—10 m können sie sich hervorragend orientieren — vermutlich olfaktorisch. Die Beutefanghandlung wird beschrieben und die Orientierung hierbei analysiert. Zwei mechanorezeptorische Systeme werden nach- oder nebeneinander wirksam: Trichobothrien auf den Schreitbeinen leisten die Fernorientierung und dirigieren die Annäherung an die Beute bis in den Wirkungsbereich der Tastbeine, die die Orientierung im Nahbereich übernehmen, vor allem beim Packen der Beute. Die kutikularen Haarsensillen auf den Beinen werden kurz beschrieben.  相似文献   
The primary vascular system of 23 species belonging to 18 genera of conifers with helical phyllotaxis has been investigated with the intent of determining the architecture of the system. Special attention has been given to nodal and subnodal relations of the vascular bundles. The vascular system seems to be composed solely of relatively discrete sympodia, that is, axial vascular bundles from which leaf traces branch unilaterally. Although the discreteness of the sympodia is not immediately apparent because of their undulation and lateral contacts with neighboring ones, close examination, including a statistical analysis of the tangential contacts, seems to reveal that each sympodium maintains its identity throughout. Although two traces may be apparent at nodal levels, the trace supply to a leaf originates, in all species, as a single bundle. An analysis is made of the relationship between the vasculature and the phyllotaxis. It is observed that the direction of trace divergence can be accurately predicted when the direction of the ontogenetic spiral, the angle of divergence of leaf traces, and the number of sympodia are known.  相似文献   
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